Authentic Blending: small formative assessments using forums

Johannes (Jos) Mulder, School of Music

This presentation will cover two examples of small formative, low stakes’ assessments using Moodle (Wattle) forums. Regular (eg biweekly) posts about real world examples require the inclusion of an embedded example (citation, photo, video, recording). Additionally students are required to respond to two posts by peers in an engaging way. The assignments are designed to engage students with the course through assessment on a more regular basis. The assignments support students by keeping track of their progress throughout the course, while at the same time getting some insight into their peers’ learning. Generally students’ feedback is positive, provided there is clear guidance around expectations, due dates and speedy turn around with marks and feedback.

speaker bio

Jos Mulder is a Music Technologist and educator with 15 years of industry experience in the performance arts and 10 years in academia. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

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