Below is the full program for the 2020 CASS Teaching and Learning Showcase. Please find recordings in each of the presentations below.
Online activity and virtual coffee
Welcome address by Professor Rae Frances and Dr Geoff Hinchcliffe, and Welcome to Country
Keynote: Expectations on Digital Natives by Dr Iain Hay
Keynote: Dr Iain Hay on Expectations of Digital Natives
We are very excited to announce our Keynote speaker for this year’s teaching and learning showcase, Dr Iain Hay from Macquarie University. Speaker Bio: Dr Iain Hay holds the executive…
Session 1: Adaptation
Adventures in Online Lecturing
If you would like more information about Dr Katharina Bonzel’s presentation, please contact Dr Katharina Bonzel, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics This presentation (and its title) seeks to…
When All Else Fails: Transitioning to Remote Learning for Quantitative Methods with Cloud-based Software.
Dr Matthew Kerby, School of Politics and International Relations In this presentation I discuss how I repurposed POLS8024: Quantitative Methods for Political Science from an in-situo, intensive hands-on, lab-based course…
Hello Out There: Reflections On Remote Teaching of a Large Discussion Based Class
Dr Rachael Brown, School of Philosophy It is tempting to simply put together your lectures for remote delivery just like you would for on-campus instruction, turn up at the empty…
Lunch and networking session – View the 360 activity below
Session 2: Resilience
Re-imagining research and learning communities beyond contagion
Dr Ben Silverstein and Dr Mike Jones, School of History One consequence of moving to remote delivery of classes was the stretching of collegial relationships amongst and between students and…
Smoke, Fire, Hail… but no Snowflakes: Resilient teaching in the face of disaster
Dr Adam Masters, Centre for Social Research and Methods There is a lot of talk these days about young people not being as resilient today as they were in the…
Session 3: Innovation
Teaching Online Beyond Zoom
Teaching online beyond Zoom by Michael Yuen, School of Philosophy Teaching online can be fun and rewarding. This is how I think it’s possible. In recent months, I began…
A student-focused method to quantitative teaching in the pandemic
Dr Collin Payne, School of Demography Structuring lectures for online learning requires a very different approach than in-person teaching. My presentation will discuss a case-study from my graduate-level quantitative methods…
Dr Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Centre for Digital Humanities Research In this presentation, we will introduce MetoDHology, a free and open online platform developed by the Centre for Digital Humanities Research to…
Collaborative drawing and art challenges: moving practice-based studio classes online
Dr Anna Madeleine Raupach, School of Art and Design Printmedia & Drawing at the ANU School of Art & Design teaches experimental approaches to drawing. The challenges of 2020 were…
Session 4: Future
The robust flexibility of problem based learning models
Dr Rohan Nicol, School of Art and Design Learn how Rohan Nicol responded to the challenge of teaching jewellery making online when COVID-19 took us off campus, in March 2020.…
An Interactive Model for Online and Remote Teaching as used in the School of Music
Tor Frømyhr, School of Music Speaker Bio Tor Frømyhr, is currently Head of Strings and Senior Lecturer in Performance (Strings) at the ANU School of Music, Canberra, Australia. He has…
Embracing virtuality in a music school in Covid-19 time
Associate Professor Kim Cunio, School of Music This presentation will cover the formation of virtual orchestras, choirs and pianos during the 2020 Pandemic. Speaker Bio A/Prof Kim Cunio, Head of…
Teaching in ‘Zoomland’: Troublesome knowledge, liminality and the virtual design studio
Dr Beck Davis, School of Art and Design Effective learner engagement with troublesome knowledge—conceptually difficult knowledge that may seem counter-intuitive, incoherent or even “alien” (Perkins, 1999)—is an important part of…
Enhance academic experiences with non-AI chatbots
Aslam Abbas, Collect.Chat Chatbots have moved on from being a buzz-word to a real-world tool to make the web more human-friendly. For the past three years, Aslam has been working…