CASS Teaching and Learning Showcase 2021

 The CASS Teaching and Learning Day is an annual event to celebrate the amazing work our staff have done within and outside of the classroom to engage students and enhance their learning. This year we will continue the “pandemic” tradition and host the session fully online with new formats and showcases.

Below is the full program for the 2021 CASS Teaching and Learning Day. Recordings can be found under each post. 

Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 9.30am – 1pm

9.30 – 10am | Opening and Welcome


Welcome address by Dr Geoff Hinchcliffe and Dr Lucy Neave

10 – 11am | Creative Assessments

Team Based Learning and Collaborative Teaching

Ashley Carruthers, School of Archaeology & Anthropology In this presentation I want to talk about …

Simone Dennis

Against Maieutic Teaching and Learning

Professor Simone Dennis, School of Archaeology and Anthropology Even in the thick of research led …

Authentic Blending: small formative assessments using forums

Johannes (Jos) Mulder, School of Music This presentation will cover two examples of small formative, …

11 – 11.20am | Break

11.20am – 12.20pm | Delivery Modes

The ‘Crawford Combined’ teaching model for 2021: principles and experiences

Alison Cumming-Thom, Crawford School of Public Policy In September 2020. a Crawford School Education Futures …

The hybrid classroom: Teacher and student perspectives

Susy Macqueen, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics Hybrid-concurrent teaching involves teaching both in-person and …

Teaching with Google Docs

Helen Keane, School of Sociology We’ll be talking about our use of Google Docs in …

12.20 – 1pm | New Approaches

Taking the leap: integrating new approaches into teaching and learning

Christina Clarke, Centre for Art History & Art Theory There is growing pressure on educators …

A perspective on First Peoples’ ways of learning and teaching

Mary Spiers Williams, Sub Dean Indigenous Studies speaker bio Mary began teaching at universities in …