Rebecca Mayo.
Our project aimed to improve our existing collaborative and student-led teaching framework between Printmedia students and the ANU MakerSpace through the production of a series of high-quality instructional videos, an online resource and a one-day MakerSpace intensive integrated into an existing printmedia course. We identified a need to scaffold the self-directed learning tasks and outcomes for students whose campus experience had been hindered by Covid-19 and remote learning. We also asked, how can the classroom build a sense of belonging and community; could innovative approaches to delivery maintain quality individualised learning outcomes while also increasing enrolment; how best can we deliver diverse technical and studio-based skills within the new ‘non-major’ degree structure at the SOAD? In this presentation I will describe the project, summarise our findings and reflect on what next.
Speaker bio
Rebecca Mayo is the Convenor of the Bachelor of Visual Arts and the Head of Printmedia and Drawing at the ANU School of Art & Design. Her practice examines how an art practice built around process, repetition and labour can produce artworks that manifest through—and reveal—practices of care. She uses site- and species-specific plant-dye to make visible the interdependence between plants and people, and the resulting relations of reciprocal care. Recent exhibitions and projects include: Habitus, Heide Museum of Modern Art, 2017, It’s in the bag, Caves, Melbourne, 2019 (both part of Climarte’s Art+Climate=Change Festival); CLIMATE CARE: Reimagining Shared Planetary Futures, Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna Biennale for Change, 2021; Siteworks, from a Deep Valley, Bundanon Trust, 2023.