Just some quick ideas
These are just some quick ways to spice up your lectures and tutorials
At the end of your session ask your students to write 3 things they did not know before, 2 things that surprised/intrigued them and 1 thing that they will learn more about (either because it was particularly interesting or they need to understand better.
Tweet your lecture/tutorial
140 characters to talk about the content of the lecture/tutorial.
Exit Ticket
At the end of the lecture/tutorial asks students to write 1 thing they learned in the session and 1 thing that they found difficult or confusing.
Wish survey and reflection
This activity is in two parts the first to be done on the very first week of semester, here the students will write why they have enrolled in the course, anything they know already about the subject (if anything), what they are hoping to learn, what they think they will find challenging in the subject.
At the end of the semester the students go back to what they wrote in week one and write a short reflection on what they now know, if their worry about challenges did/did not eventuate and if this experience has opened new ideas/possibilities/etc.
Technologies to use
There are a range of tools both in Wattle and non Wattle you can use for example for the Survey and Reflection activity you can use the Feedback tool, for the Exit ticket and the 3-2-1 and Tweet you can try the activities in ECHO or Polleverywhere or Socrative.