Glossary Tool


The Glossary tool allows you to create entries or definitions in a dictionary-like organization. It is a very useful tool to organize information, resources or as a collaborative assessment activity. The glossary can be edited by teachers and students and, like many other tools in Wattle (Moodle) can accommodate not only text but images and multimedia as well as attachments. The glossary can be used as a collection/explanation/commentary of key terms, video resources and images. It can also be used to collect and annotate reference materials, journals, biographies, etc. for peer review.

Students (and lecturer) can comment on or rate entries, which can be set to be approved by default or moderated before approval. In languages for example the glossary can be used as an activity where students need to create their own entry for nouns, verbs, etc. or give a translation and an explanation/example on how the term can be used. In art, the tool can be used as glossary of art movements, artists, etc. curated by students.

Glossary “how to”

The following are guides you can use if you are interested in exploring the Wattle Glossary tool

If you are looking instead at online visual or interactive thesaurus, “clickable” dictionaries or wordcloud tools explore the following:

Lexipedia – a visual thesaurus
Lingro – clickable dictionary, insert a website and click on words to translate
Wordle – to create wordclouds

Using the glossary in Wattle (Moodle) as an activity
