

What is a wiki? Well think of Wikipedia: it is a collaborative space made up of webpages connected in a single instance that can be edited by you and your students within your Wattle site.

Perfect for group projects, wikis can be used for collaborative writing, to share resources, organize and curate student made content, write for “an audience”, as study guides, book and research papers commentaries, opinion pieces, etc. The use of wiki is only limited by your creativity. As wikis can accommodate not just text but also images and multimedia, it can become a “virtual” collection of almost anything.

We have seen wikis used as an assessment piece to critique movies, create interactive presentations, organizing readings/resources sourced by students and more.

In Wattle you will find the wiki among the activities and it is called OU Wiki. In the “how to” section below you will find some guides from Lancaster University that are very easy to follow as well as an “how to” video.

There are also other types of wiki platforms outside Wattle for you to explore and these are particularly useful if you would like your students to collaborate with people outside the university. The Wattle wiki is only available for students and tutors within your course.

Wiki “how to” and alternatives

The following are guides you can use if you are interested in exploring the Wattle wiki tool

OU Wiki document guides
OU How to wiki video (a nice article that talks about wikis and ideas to use this tool in teaching)

Other types of wikis if need something with a wider collaboration:
