While at ANU the focus is on “on campus” teaching, with the pandemic still unfolding and the uncertainty that this is bringing, thinking about the role of online learning is something we all need to keep in the back of our minds and ready to get “on the go” at any time.
No matter what will happen in the next few months, and at least till the end of this year, the reality is that many courses still have students overseas or unable to come on campus. Ensuring a good learning experience for these students is important no matter how we will end up teaching for the rest of the year.
Although there are issues that are out of our control in ensuring a good experience and participation to online learning like poor internet connection, poor technical skills and with some student’s poor time management, there are other aspects that we can both control and plan to make learning as engaging as possible for a remote context.
For this purpose, we have created a special edition cheat sheet called “online with feelings” as we wanted to provide not only some “nuts and bolts” to build a good online learning experience but also some “non technology” related tips to make your students feel included, valued and supported while learning in remote mode.
You can find the cheat sheet here.