CASS in collaboration with CLT hosted the 2023 Teaching and Learning Showcase on Thursday 29 June. The event celebrates the amazing work our staff have done within and outside of the classroom to engage students and enhance their learning. This year, we delve into the cutting-edge world of education, shining a spotlight on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, creative assessment design, and non-traditional teaching methods.
Below is the full program for the 2023 CASS Teaching and Learning Day.
Recordings are available in each post.
Thursday, 29 June 2023, 10:00am – 2:30pm
10:00am to 10:30am – | Opening and Welcome

Welcome address by Associate Professor Geoff Hinchcliffe and Associate Professor Lucy Neave
10:30am – 11:30am | Grant Recipients
Moderated by Colin Klein
Indigenous Australian Perspectives in Practice
Sarah-Jane Burton and Julieanne Lamond. Often when discussions take place around embedding Indigenous knowledges and perspectives into curricula, educators think first about content. This project looks beyond the ‘inclusive’ or…
Rethinking delivery of Printmedia and Drawing with ANU MakerSpace
Rebecca Mayo. Our project aimed to improve our existing collaborative and student-led teaching framework between Printmedia students and the ANU MakerSpace through the production of a series of high-quality instructional videos, an online resource and a one-day MakerSpace intensive integrated…
11:30am – 12:30pm | Stories from the frontline
Moderated by Helen Keane
Unessays – a practical guide
Carly Schuster The emergence of chatbots has sparked renewed debates about “the death” of essay-based assessments. And yet existing pedagogical tools such as “unessays” – which have been at the…
Rethinking the essay in Literary Studies: working with, against and around ChatGPT.
Russell Smith This semester I taught a course on Literary Theory that uses, as its primary text for analysis, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as well as a couple of films that play out…
Adam Masters – Video presentation
Adam Masters Innovative Assessment Speaker bio Dr Adam Masters lectures in criminology for the Centre for Social Research and Methods at the Australian National University. As Convener of the Bachelor of…
12:30pm – 1:15 pm | Lunch
Feel free to stay on the Zoom chat or reflect on the mornings session using our Padlet.
1.15pm – 2:30pm | CLT Presentation
Making the most of on-campus learning
Ange Stoddard, Melinda Drummond and April Chan. Lecture attendance and engagement is a challenge for all of us. Join us for an interactive workshop exploring how to motivate students to…