Follow-up Workshops from 2021 CASS Teaching and Learning Showcase
The 2021 CASS Teaching and Learning Showcase was a great success – thank you to everyone who attended! You can now watch all videos on our website (view recordings here). Following conversations from the showcase, we have scheduled workshops open to all: 1. Team-Based Learning (TBL): 3 November 2021, 2.00 – 3.30pm Dr Ashley Carruthers…
Audios for feedback, marking and personalising – Cheat Sheet
Marking with audio One of the greatest discoveries I made when I was teaching was the ability to transform essay type assessment in audio files. A well written paper is also well read, so when I was teaching and I had a lot of marking but also a long commute home I would put my “read aloud” assignments on my…
Online …with feelings – Cheat Sheet
One more cheat sheet to provide some guidance in our teaching during this pandemic. If you have been reading the Blended Learning cheat sheet you will know that one clever way to gradually move from face-to-face to online is to adopt a blended approach first and find your feet before launching online. However, during Covid the reality has been that for many moving online was neither a planned nor calculated exercise, it…
Navigating within the course site
Navigation menu (Hamburger icon) The navigation menu in the top left corner allows you to navigate from one Wattle page to another, and/or within a course site. The menu can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the hamburger icon. See screenshot below: When expanded in a Wattle site, you can navigate to different parts…
Dashboard – Finding your Wattle Sites
The dashboard is where you land in first, once you have logged into Wattle. It gives you an overview of all the Wattle sites you have access to. To access a site/course, click on a course name/link. See example below: You can sort your sites based on whether the courses are in session or not by clicking on the dropdown menu located on…
CASS Wattle Template
This year the EDS team is launching a Wattle Template to facilitate the use of Wattle across CASS. The idea of the template is to provide a ready–made structure that can be populated with resources, information, assessment, etc. to suit your particular needs. One of the most common feedback we receive from students using Wattle is…
I Need a Whiteboard
Teaching online and whiteboards Quite often shifting from face to face to online also requires finding ways to recreate certain activities or teaching practices that can seem difficult away from the classical classroom setting. Using whiteboards is one of those things. Sometimes you really need a whiteboard to explain something or share some ideas and despite the…
Advanced Zoom
Zoom more features for you to explore For those already familiar with the basic Zoom functions this cheat sheet will explore some tools and settings you can use for your teaching for more advanced use. Firstly, it is important to understand that certain features (like polls, virtual background, file sharing, etc.) need to be enabled…
Asynchronous Online interactions
Asynchronous Online interactions Asynchronous online interactions are usually intended as a way to provide an online space where students and teaching staff engage in discussions/interactions across time and space. Most asynchronous online learning happens primarily in text form, usually as forums or discussion boards but if also using multimedia (audio and video) this type of…
Attendance Tool
Attendance activity In Wattle there is a special activity tool that allows you to record and grade attendance in your classes. While you can easily use the download feature in the gradebook to download your class list as an excel spreadsheet and manually record attendance the Attendance activity tool in Wattle makes the task easier…